Many people and families living with disabilities feel like they don’t have community — both in society and at church. It shouldn’t be that way.
We work with individuals, families and churches to provide spiritual care and create communities of belonging.
We help individuals discover new skills, grow in faith and serve their community through various programs. We also advocate on behalf of people with disabilities on an individual basis.
We help families feel encouraged and supported by providing a community of people who get it.
We help churches better include people living with disabilities and become intentional about disability ministry as a form of outreach.
We believe Jesus loves all people — that every person matters to God. And we believe the body of Christ is strongest on earth when everyone is included.
Our programs help participants learn new skills, grow in faith and serve community. Find out more.
Too many people living with disabilities are leaving the church. We help your church become more inclusive. Find out more.
Supporting a loved one with a disability can be hard. We provide a group of people who get it. You’re not alone. Find out more.
Our programs help participants learn new skills, grow in faith and serve community. Find out more.
Supporting a loved one with a disability can be hard. We provide a group of people who get it. You’re not alone. Find out more.
Hope Centre Ministries exists to celebrate the gifts and uniqueness of individuals who live with disabilities and support them in their walk with God and their faith community.
We envision a time when all people who live with a disability, together with their families and their friends, are fully incorporated in the worship and life of Christ’s Church where all employ their gifts for the benefit of local congregations and their ministry.
We aim to build inclusive worshiping communities that see all people as created in God’s image, gifted and capable of making a contribution. These communities provide an environment where members are encouraged to express their giftedness, as they desire, giving and receiving holistic support for the challenges of life.
We accomplish this by:
Hope Centre Ministries is a Christian, non-profit, chaplaincy organization that holds to the following Biblical beliefs that relate to individuals living with disabilities:
Executive director
Shellie has led Hope Centre Ministries since 2008. She holds a degree in Special Education and has worked as a Special Ed. teacher for 13 years. Her personal journey as a parent has helped to fuel her passion for inclusion of people with disabilities in faith communities. Her varied experience has helped to develop her repertoire of practical strategies for inclusion. She has a wide range of speaking experience, from Sunday Morning Sermons, workshops, youth events, and more.
Program Coordinator
Michelle has been the Program Coordinator for Hope Centre Ministries since 2015. She has varied experience with children and youth ministry and a heart for seeing all people connect with the Gospel message.
Community EngagemenT
Sarah will be serving as the Interim Program Coordinator during Michelle’s leave. We’re thankful for her enthusiasm, creativity and deep desire to see people thrive in their faith.
Jennifer has been part of the HCM team since 2015. She has helped expand our understanding of what it means to provide spiritual care for people with disabilities. Born with Cerebral Palsy, she has faced many challenges and obstacles in her life. Jennifer’s journey is one that includes many hurdles, among moments of great joy. Jenny often shares about how this journey has impacted her faith and relationship with God.
Marketing Communications Systems Administrator
Daniel provides much-needed admin and tech support. He is working hard to implement processes that organize data, synchronize platforms, and create systems for growth.
Margaret is passionate about helping people with disabilities connect with others. Margaret is working hard to facilitate different meetings, visits, and phone calls that let individuals know they are noticed, known and missed!
Jonathan Vaags – Treasurer
Cindy Stutski – Board Chair
Elmer Thiessen – Past Chair
Veronica Van Leeuwen – Secretary
Karis Regehr
Michael Stienstra
We believe all people are equal in God’s eyes. We believe everyone has value. Do you believe? Then consider joining Hope Centre Ministries as a member today. Click here to download your application form today.
This website was created with support from the Winnipeg Foundation