How you are helping HCM create a new path to purpose-filled opportunities!
Your unwavering compassion and care for others is shaping a groundbreaking initiative at Hope Centre Ministries. Belonging isn’t just about connecting—it’s also about contributing. The mission you support at HCM is that EVERYONE, regardless of ability, has talents that enrich our community. But to do that, these talents need opportunities to shine, to be put to work, to uplift the community.
As a valued part of the HCM family, we are excited to share updates and needs.
The board has decided to create more opportunities for individuals with disabilities—opportunities involving work. HCM is partnering with The Raw Carrot, a faith-based social enterprise in Ontario, to establish a Manitoba franchise. The future HCM-Raw Carrot site will involve preparing, cooking, freezing, and selling small batches of gourmet soups and other shelf-stable foods.
It’s all about serving something more than a nutritious meal. It’s about serving dignity and belonging.
We’re thrilled for you to witness this vision in action and need your help to find a church community that:
- Is Winnipeg based.
- Supports inclusion of people with disabilities.
- Has an accessible commercial kitchen available 1-2 days a week (initially) from 8:30am-4:30pm.
- Can provide storage space for ingredients and supplies.
- Is looking for a way to engage in justice-based ministry.
- Is excited about embracing the contributions of individuals with disabilities.
Does this sound like a church you know?
Reach out to Shellie and let her know! or 204-479-4893.